Translation and Literature
Translation and Literature publishes critical studies and reviews primarily on literary translation into English, of all periods. Its scope takes in the reception of ancient Greek and Latin works, the historical and contemporary translation of literary works from modern languages into English, and the far-reaching effects which the practice of translation has, over time, exerted on literature written in English. It embraces imitation and adaptation, including adaptation into other art forms; the theory of literary translation; and publishing history. It also publishes significant historical translations edited from manuscript sources.
A cumulative listing of all journal content from Volume 1 to the present is available here.
Print ISSN: 0968-1361
Online ISSN: 1750-0214
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- Open access
Available Issues
About this Journal
Translation and Literature publishes critical studies and reviews primarily on literary translation into English, of all periods. Its scope takes in the reception of ancient Greek and Latin works, the historical and contemporary translation of literary works from modern languages into English, and the far-reaching effects which the practice of translation has, over time, exerted on literature written in English. It embraces imitation and adaptation, including adaptation into other art forms; the theory of literary translation; and publishing history. It also publishes significant historical translations edited from manuscript sources.
A cumulative index of all articles from Volume 1 to the present is available here.
Editors and Editorial Board
Stuart Gillespie
English Literature
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
Acting Review Editor
Books for review should be sent to the Editor:
Stuart Gillespie, Translation & Literature, English Literature, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK
Editorial Board
Gordon Braden (University of Virginia)
Sheldon Brammall (University of Birmingham)
Susanna Braund (University of British Columbia)
Howard Gaskill (University of Edinburgh)
Philip Hardie (University of Cambridge)
Stephen Harrison (University of Oxford)
David Hopkins (University of Bristol)
Freyja Cox Jensen (University of Exeter)
Juan Christian Pellicer (University of Oslo)
Andrew Radford (University of Glasgow)
Ritchie Robertson (University of Oxford)
Ina Schabert (Ludwig-Maximilians Universität)
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Sample Issue
Most Read
Karim Mattar
Kirby Record
Emily Wilson
Matthew Bell
Most Cited
Joe Lockard, Shih Penglu and Myungsung Kim
Xiao Qiang