Rosi Braidotti's contribution to the Deleuze Studies Conference 2016 held in Rome (University of Roma Tre, 11–13 July), later transcribed and then revised by the author, points firmly to the current need for an affirmative thinking approach, actively standing to the present, while assessing its becoming and imagining new configurations. Saying yes to the world, being worthy of it, does not entail passive acceptance but rather the activation of transformative and critical thinking. To this aim, Braidotti looks at Deleuze as well as at feminist theory. The ontology of immanence turns into a materialist, collective, vital, embodied and relational ethics.
About this Journal
A bold and genuinely interdisciplinary journal, Deleuze and Guattari Studies aims to challenge orthodoxies, encourage debate, invite controversy, seek new applications, propose new interpretations, and above all make new connections between scholars and ideas. It does this by publishing a wide variety of scholarly work on Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, including articles that focus directly on their work, but also critical reviews of the growing field, as well as new translations and annotated bibliographies. We are open to new work on Deleuze and Guattari from any field in the humanities and social sciences.
Editors and Editorial Board
Ian Buchanan, University of Wollongong
[email protected]
Executive Editor
David Savat, Independent scholar
[email protected]
Managing Editor
Marc Haas, University of Wollongong
[email protected]
Art Editor
Andrea Eckersley, RMIT University
[email protected]
Reviews Editor
Ian Buchanan, University of Wollongong
[email protected]
Claire Colebrook, Penn State
Tom Conley, Harvard University
Gary Genosko,University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Gregg Lambert, Syracuse University
Dorothea Olkowski, University of Colorado
James Williams, Independent Scholar
Editorial Board
Jeff Bell, Southeastern Louisiana University
Reda Bensmaia, Brown University (Emeritus)
Hanjo Berressem, University of Cologne (Emeritus)
Ronald Bogue, University of Georgia (Emeritus)
Constantin Boundas, Trent University (Emeritus)
Rosi Braidotti, Utrecht University (Emeritus)
Levi Bryant, Collin College
Gregory Flaxman, University of North Carolina
Barbara Glowczewski, CNRS
Emine Gorgule, Istanbul Technical University
Michael Hardt, Duke University
Eugene Holland, Ohio State University (Emeritus)
Fredric Jameson, Duke University
David Martin-Jones, University of Glasgow
Brian Massumi, University of Montreal (Emeritus)
Philippe Mengue, Independent Scholar
Tim Murray, Cornell University
Adrian Parr, University of Oregon
Paul Patton, Wuhan University
Peter Pal Pelbart, PUC-SP
Patricia Pisters, University of Amsterdam
John Protevi, Louisiana State University
D. N. Rodowick, University of Chicago (Emeritus)
Suely Rolnik, Catholic University of São Paulo
Anne Sauvagnargues, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Janae Sholtz, Alvernia University
Daniel Smith, Purdue University
Bent Meier Sorensen, Copenhagen Business School
Charles Stivale, Wayne State University (Emeritus)
Marcelo Svirsky, University of Wollongong
Janell Watson, Virginia Tech
Related Book Series
Deleuze Studies Special Issues
Journal Editor: Ian Buchanan
Deleuze Studies publishes a series of special, themed issues of the journal that are also published in book format.
Deleuze Connections
Series Editor: Ian Buchanan
This is the original groundbreaking series of Deleuze-inspired books that has already placed Deleuze's thought in connection with feminist theory, music, space, geography, queer theory, performance, postcolonial studies, contemporary art, and is constantly opening new frontiers in Deleuze Studies.
Plateaus - New Directions in Deleuze Studies
Series Editors: Ian Buchanan and Claire Colebrook
By publishing the most radical, challenging and exciting work by a range of international scholars, this series aims to substantially revise how we understand Deleuze through presenting new readings of his work and introducing us to new ways of applying his philosophy.
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