About this Journal

The New Americanist is an interdisciplinary journal publishing scholarly work on the United States and the Americas broadly considered. We are especially interested in work which includes a global perspective, introduces new critical approaches, and proposes theoretical frameworks to the study of the US. We welcome contributions from scholars from around the world and across the humanities and the social sciences.

We particularly seek writing focused on developments in literary and cultural studies, film and media, and history and politics as it relates to the most pressing social issues of our time. We are open to a broad range of perspectives, but we are particularly keen to platform historically marginalized or otherwise disadvantaged voices. 

Editors and Editorial Board


Matthew Chambers (American Studies Centre, University of Warsaw)
[email protected]

Editorial Board 

Paulina Ambrozy, Adam Mickiewicz University
Charlotte Beyer, University of Gloucestershire
Christopher Breu, Illinois State University
Keith Feldman, UC Berkeley
Dominika Ferens, University of Wroclaw
Steffen Hantke, Sogang University
Tim Jelfs, University of Groningen
Daniel Kane, Uppsala University
Matthew Levay, Idaho State University
Josephine Metcalf, University of Hull

Corinna Norrick-Rühl, University of Muenster
Benjamin Railton, Fitchburg State University

Samantha Rayner, University College London
David Schmid, University at Buffalo
Roberto Tejada, University of Houston


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The New Americanist

Print ISSN: 2545-3556 Online ISSN: 2753-6521
Published on behalf of Britain and the World Society
Publication Cover