The involvement of Jung with German psychotherapy in the 1930s revealed a strong tendency to collaborate with the Nazis, even though his behaviour was more contradictory than has often been acknowledged. In part this was due to anti-Semitic sentiments; some of it was fuelled by the apparent opportunity to make Jungian psychology dominant over its ‘Jewish’ Freudian rival; and in part Jung's admiration for the energy of the Nazi movement seems to have been genuine.This paper traces some of the elements in Jung's activities of that period in order to highlight the mixture of pragmatic and ideological investments that also applied to many other psychotherapists, and to some German psychoanalysts at the time.
About this Journal
Psychoanalysis and History is devoted both to the study of the history of psychoanalysis and the application of psychoanalytic ideas to historiography, thus forming a bridge between the academic study of history and psychoanalysis.
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Editors and Editorial Board
Matt ffytche
Assistant Editors
Dagmar Herzog
Dany Nobus
Camille Robcis
Hannah Zeavin
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Sally Alexander, London
Shaul Bar-Haim, Wivenhoe, Essex
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Marco Conci, Munich and Trento
Alain de Mijolla, Paris
Rotraut De Clerck, Frankfurt
Karl Figlio, Essex
Lawrence J. Friedman, Cambridge, MA
Stephen Frosh, London
Sander Gilman, Chicago
Robert D. Hinshelwood, Visiting Chair, Essex
Douglas Kirsner, Melbourne
Peter Lowenberg, Los Angeles
Elizabeth Lunbeck, Nashville
Andreas Mayer, Paris
Juliet Mitchell, Cambridge
Michael Molnar, London
Adam Phillips, London
Daniel Pick, London
Malcolm Pines, London
Kenneth Robinson, Newcastle upon Tyne
Michael Roper, Essex
Jacqueline Rose, London
Michael Roth, San Francisco
Peter L. Rudnytsky, Gainesville
Sonu Shamdasani, London
Michal Shapira, Tel Aviv
Lyndsey Stonebridge, Norwich
Barbara Taylor, London
Nellie L. Thompson, New York
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