About this Journal

Now 4 issues per year

The African Journal of International and Comparative Law re-started with EUP in 2005, with of the African of International and Comparative Law. The eminent Editorial Board continues as previously, now with members from legal practice and at international and regional institutions, and in Ethiopia, Nigeria, the Netherlands, the UK and the US. The journal continues its of providing invaluable refereed material in both international and comparative law on a pan-African basis. It includes articles on public or private international law, either in English or French, as well as a section on recent developments relevant to the continent.

La Revue Africaine de Droit International et Comparé a repris sa publication auprès de Edinburgh University Press avec l’approbation de la société africaine de Droit International et Comparé. L’éminent comité de rédaction continue comme auparavant, avec des membres issus de la pratique juridique et du monde universitaire, des institutions internationales et régionales dans des pays tels que l'Éthiopie, le Nigeria, les Pays-Bas, le Royaume-Uni et les États-Unis. La revue poursuit sa tradition de fournir un matériel inestimable en droit international et comparé sur une base panafricaine. La revue est une publication bilingue (anglais-français) qui publie sur le droit international public et privé, ainsi qu’une rubrique sur les développements récents en ce qui concerne le continent africain.

Editors and Editorial Board

General Editors

Professor Rachel Murray
Professor of International Human Rights Law, University of Bristol

Professor Kofi Oteng Kufuor
Professor of Law, University of East London


Editorial Board

Dr Solomon Ayele Dersso
Adjunct Professor, College of Law and Governance Studies, Addis Ababa University

Dr Olufemi Elias
African Association of International Law

Professor Nelson Enonchong
Barber Professor of Law, University of Birmingham

Professor Hajer Gueldich
Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences of Tunis, University of Carthage

Dr Mamadou Hébié
Associate Professor of International Law, Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, Leiden University

Ms Ndanga Kamau
Ndanga Kamau Law

Dr Tunde Ogowewo
Senior Lecturer in Law, King’s College, London

Dr Peter Slinn
Director, Diplomacy programmes, School of Oriental and African Studies, London

April 2021
It is with great sadness that we note the passing of the great Christof Heyns, our esteemed colleague and long-standing member of the editorial board the African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Prof Heyns was, as his colleagues in the University of Pretoria describe so well, a 'legal giant' in the human rights field. His contribution to the Journal over the years involved not only giving detailed editorial advice, but also his thoughtful reflections on the Journal’s development and strategic direction. We are honoured as a Board to have had the opportunity to work with him on the Journal and we will miss him deeply.

Our thoughts are with his family, friends and colleagues in Pretoria and around the world.


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African Journal of International and Comparative Law

Print ISSN: 0954-8890 Online ISSN: 1755-1609
Publication Cover
African Union Virtual Issue
Legalities journal