About this Journal
The Journal of British Cinema and Television is the prime site for anyone interested in reading or publishing original work in the fields of British cinema and television. Themed issues alternate with general ones, and each issue contains a wide range of articles and substantial book reviews. The Journal also runs conference reports, in-depth interviews with leading practitioners in the field, and a section intended to encourage debate amongst those studying British cinema and television.
From 2012 the journal has been published quarterly, and its steady transition in its nine years of existence from a biannual to a triannual to a quarterly is a mark of its considerable success over a relatively short period of time. It is fully peer-reviewed, and future themed issues will be devoted to BBC2, ageing and projection.
Editors and Editorial Board
Editor in Chief
Julian Petley, Brunel University London
Principal Editors
Beth Johnson, University of Leeds
Jonathan Murray, University of Edinburgh
Duncan Petrie, University of York
Editorial Board
Sian Barber, Queen's University, Belfast
Melanie Bell, University of Leeds
Jon Burrows, University of Warwick
Alan Burton, De Montfort University
John Caughie, University of Glasgow
James Chapman, University of Leicester
Steve Chibnall, De Montfort University
John Cook, Glasgow Caledonian University
Lez Cooke, Royal Holloway, University of London
John Corner, University of Leeds
Glen Creeber, University of Aberystwyth
David Forrest, University of Sheffield
Christine Geraghty, University of Glasgow
Ann Gray, University of Lincoln
Sue Harper, University of Portsmouth
John Hill, Royal Holloway, University of London
Annette Kuhn, Queen Mary, University of London
Sarita Malik, Brunel University London
Brian McIlroy, University of British Columbia
Claire Monk, De Montfort University
Paul Newland, University of Worcester
Jeffrey Richards, University of Lancaster
Justin Smith, De Montfort University
Andrew Spicer, University of the West of England
Sarah Street, University of Bristol
Melanie Williams, University of East Anglia
Please send books for review to Professor Justin Smith, Leicester Media School, Faculty of Technology, De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH or email [email protected]
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